Sunday, February 27, 2011

Welcome All Visitors! Today Is The First Day Of The Rest Of My Blog!

Welcome to my Blog, Thank you for taking the time to visit me!  It is my hope that you will visit often, enjoy your stay, and leave feeling more hopeful and maybe with a smile or two!   So help yourself to a cup of tea or coffee, sit back, relax and rest awhile. 

May the words that you read during your visits here help you to know that someone genuinely cares about what you are going through.  Life can be hard and challenging at times, weather one has a Disability or not.  In the future I will be writing about what is on my heart, my life's journey, things I have learned, and sometimes a bit of humor along the way. 

This is just the beginning, and in time I will be sharing things that I have experienced, tools that I have picked up to enable me to have a; "better quality of life", (in spite of  having a painful disability), and  links to helpful sites that may assist you in finding what you need as well.

Come back as soon as you can. I will have more to share in a couple of days. Looking forward to your return! 
Blessings to you,